Member-only story
What Exactly is Home?
And the need to create a new one…
We’ve all heard the old adages, the ones that people place on wood and decorate their houses with.
Home is where the Heart is
A House is Made of Brick and Stone, a Home is Made of Love Alone
But this one is most true:
Home is not a place…it’s a feeling
Home, for the past 23 years, has been where my children are. And now that three of the four have left, gone to make beautiful lives of their own, where is home?
As proud as I am of my kids, my heart just aches. It aches every day to be needed, to be wanted like that again. As a mother who stayed home, worked from home, and homeschooled, I had the privilege of seeing my children all day, every day. Yes, I missed things because I was insanely busy, but I did my best to be present.
Home has been wherever they are and continues to be. Home was seeing my kids all together at my son’s house after his wedding. Home was seeing them play with his puppy and eat food from his grill. Home is listening to their banter, their silliness, and watching them pile on top of each other and watch movies. It’s home…and will be for the rest of my life.