Thank you. And yes, I cannot imagine living in another space. I, also, had the call your former wife did, but in a different way. It called out my marriage, but not my relationship with my children. I was and still am the only parent my children truly know. And I see that as a blessing and a curse. To know me honestly brings some scorn, but more often, love. The trauma of a life missed- due to emotional and financial abuse-did not take my children from me. Their love and life with them is the very thing that motivates me to keep waking up in the morning, when I am more than exhausted on multiple levels.
I am sorry for the pain of your wake up call. What we had been experiencing, and all of the confusion around it, feels forever something to sort. I do have a good family and support. Therapy has become a way of life. I expect it will remain so for quite some time. Thanks for your insightful and open comment!