Thanks for this whole article!! You write very well and the topic is close to home for so many women. I hope the men read this! This sentence really stood out for me as I enter the court room on Monday to battle it out with the ex about money. I am more than terrified, but just have to endure a little longer and it will be finally over.
The way that emotional and psychological abuse is poo-pooed by the court system is something I was not beforehand privy to. Having PTSD from the marriage, I thought would matter. But it does not. The silences were just another way to manipulate and gain control, knowing I would be beside myself after he walked out the door, never to answer his phone or let me know where he was. This was cruelty in a very real life. And yet, it doesn't matter. He will never pay for it. Thanks for this. I do hope the writing helps!