Thank you for hearing me. I appreciate that more than I can say. The date is too soon to get a new lawyer now, but I have looked into the appeals process-with help from a friend- and it might take a bit longer, but it will be alright someday.
So much second guessing and trying to figure out what is real is where I spend so much energy. If I could simply get out of the neurological rut of having been manipulated and gaslighted for decades, I would be able to do better. But, it will take more time and more therapy.
I am getting some numbers around, just like you said, regarding what the process of healing will have to look like for all of the kids and myself. The judge already knows I have CPTSD, but I don't see that it is really going to matter. It just marks me as the "crazy one", a simple continuance of my marriage.
I know this will be a stepping stone for more growth, expansion and good later. Today, I am grateful for your input. Thank you!