OMG! I love this article so much. You have given voice to so many thing I am still processing. I have a real man as a father, in so many ways. My dad started a business (and we lived on a credit card for 2 years with 9 kids!!) when I was a late teenager. It was INSANE and my mom about lost it. paid off and he retired a couple decades later. I really appreciate the bit about your romance novels. I didn't grow up reading those at all , but that totally makes sense. I read murder mysteries:)
You are totally right about real me. I am dating one right now and my God, how refreshing and difficult it is at the same time. I am seeing through a lot of my preconcieved notions as we go down this path. I am seeing the more black and white, less nuanced-ness, of masculinity for the balance it is for me. So much more, but thanks again for this!