My doctors, naturopaths, holistic chiropractor, and I have been working for YEARS to get to the bottom of what is going on and you have it right here, in one article. My adrenals are fried, my heart is paying the price, and I am newly single, having divorced a narcissist. Broke, in incredible debt thanks to a corrupt courtroom and sly lawyers, I am trying to find air to breathe. I love the brain training ideas. It makes sense. My capacity to focus has decreased so significantly these past few traumatizing if it weren't bad enough in the first place. thinking in a straight line has become impossible, making my schooling nigh impossible. But...I am going to finish. Only to work the rest of my life. Hopefully I can get this issue under control sooner than later. The time it takes is so daunting, creating a debt in other places that are so demanded of. I appreciate this article and how it has helped me and others!