It's hard. My man had some really fun/wild years before settling down and looks at them with fondness. I was the "good" girl who got married and had kids and supported a husband. There is a part of me that feels bitter about I did everything "right" and literally have nothing at age 49, due to a super disgusting divorce. And he...he is retired and has no worries except the ones the come organically with aging and anything else he wants to take on. I don't wish I would have had wild days and a body count like his. I find that incredibly gross. But, here are. Right now. Doing our best and trying to enjoy life a little bit. I don't blame her for being "weird" about it. I feel weird about it every day. It's very uncomfortable especially when you know that about men's pasts and their libidos no longer show up like that anymore...thus raising questions about ourselves. Complex stuff, my friend. I'm not a fan of it at all.