Its also enacted in the plant world. It's called a "mast year". It happens after the plant has received some sort of threat, pest, viral, climate-related. And yes, I TOTALLY agree with you. On all of this. My ex told people that I divorced him because he never picked up his socks. lol. Such a funny man. He also told everyone I quit therapy with him...which I did. But only after he decided that therapy days were days he got to treat me like SHIT afterward because he felt threatened (of course he didn't realize this because he was a delusional idiot).
But what I disagree with (a little thing, really) is that women will cease to marry or partner. There is always another stupid woman who will buy their story of abuse and being victim of "nagging wife syndrome". I see it every day. It happens to most men, if they want to have someone and had someone before. There are, of course, the men who don't want to be partnered and the ones who never will be, despite their lame attempt, be they the best they can muster. Ugh. Love this article. Thank you!