Dina, thank you for all the work it took to write this. The information is so valid. I am really grateful. So often I have thought this about myself. I have trauma issues from childhood, yes. I have always been very "sensitive", yet hardworking. I am not a "special snowflake" type at all. Life happens, no matter the external stimulus. There is a lot of food for thought here. I am learning to hold my level of empathy and my over-sensitivity to stimuli at arms length to see where the egg and chicken are. I know my hypervigilance was not only because of trauma, but because of my training as a child, caring for others to a high degree. I just feel and notice things more than most people. Which has brought a lot of shaming, mocking, and sarcastic comments over the years. I'm going to read this again and likely highlight more of it! Thanks again!