Carrie, yes, these are the hard truths for women. Sometimes we have to learn the hard way…believing men are as sincere as we are during these affairs…believing there is fairness in the world in relationships…believing their stories of immunity and getting pulled in…so much more. Mine and others' personal experience says that you got lucky. Super happy it worked out for you! I learned a lot, however and I don’t regret it at all. I learned words like “sexual predator, manipulation, projection, and the many problems with being “ the other woman". He made out well and I was left to start from scratch. He made the calls in the end. Funny how things shifted after I found my footing and started to make my own demands. I learned that it doesn’t work. It was over. My marriage was over after that same pattern. Weak men cannot handle strong women, even though it took a lot of work to convince myself that I was strong. Now, there is no doubt. Thanks for this!