Candace, what words of wisdom! Thank you so much for the validation. Long term relationships are just that and I do know them well. I was married for 28 years. However, it was not what you are painting a picture of here. I, too, hope for something reasonable and life-giving. I'm a long-hauler with regard to relationships. I love them. But...that has no always served.
I agree with you about her writing of his article. Coping skills are desperately needed by all of us. I was just talking to my sister about this this morning. I have an ex husband who had NPD and an ex-boyfriend who had borderline. I have been through a lot trying to learn boundaries with men who will never respect them. I am learning (with the help of my therapist) how to respect my own boundaries, where I can ask for my needs to be met by others as opposed to meeting them on my own.
I so appreciate your words here and plan to come back and read them when I can savor them more deeply!